Build muscle
Burn fat

Introducing the Nº1 Spanish technology for muscle building and fat burning already present in prestigious clinics in 62 countries.

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Muscle Toning

The generalized and non-invasive facial harmonization of WonderFace restructures the face naturally, safely, and quickly. It restores a youthful expression by developing facial musculature.

Discover facial muscle toningRenews the structure of the face in depth, naturally fills empty spaces, and tightens the skin by reattaching it to the muscle. The powerful "facial fitness" produced by WonderFace rejuvenates the face and drains fat bags under the eyes and double chin.

Woman using the Wonder Face facial toning device
The Technology

Wonder produces 60,000 muscle contractions at a record depth of 20 cm, acting simultaneously on the legs, glutes, adductors, abdomen, obliques and arms.

Girl using Wonder
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The beauty equipment that transforms your clinic: attract new clients, retain current ones, and increase your prestige.
Our Products
Meet the range of WONDER products: powerful, affordable, essential. Created to revolutionize modern Aesthetic Medicine. Which WONDER is right for you?
Power to Change<br><span>Everything</span>
Power to Change
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The groundbreaking innovation that allows you to build muscles and remove excess fat in just a few sessions. A treatment session with the Wonder powerful technology is equivalent to several hours of physical training.
Wonder action zones: buttocks, legs, adductors, biceps, triceps, abdomen, obliques
Wonder has a presence in the leading media all over the world.
The research
Endorsed by

WONDER® was developed with a singular purpose: to enable professionals to do their most demanded work without constraint. It’s designed and engineered to enable a wide range of different treatments and presents virtually unlimited possibilities for customization in sliming, skin tightening and body shaping.

Girl using Wonder with a female doctor
The team
To people

Our innovative technologies are the result of continuous research conducted by our engineers, our researchers, and our hundreds of practitioners throughout the world, and designed to naturally improve health and beauty while perfectly respecting the beauty of human body’s physiology.

The wonder team
Find your nearest representative. He will provide you with detailed information and help you choose the best WONDER model for your business.
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Guy using Wonder
Girl using Wonder


Get in touch with us and get to know the most powerful technology in the world to build muscle and burn fat.